We documented more than half of the club events held in 2018, summarizing what we learned and/or shared at the meetings. All events were conducted in English except for the voice projection workshop and the lecture on leadership. Some of the minutes are written in English, the others in Chinese. Particularly, for the East&West Dialogues on October 18 and November 15, we used a thank-you letter and a follow-up mail to and from the guest speakers, respectively, as summaries because they were self-explanatory. For a sketch of all the activities the East and West Learning Club undertook in the year 2018, please visit Our 2018: A Retrospect.
February 1, 2018
Minutes by Yang (in which special thanks were paid to Principal Pate, Judith Lawrence and Nancy Chen for their help with the opening event of 2018!)
Improv Classes (February 8 to May 3, 2018 minutes by Yang)
March 1, 2018
March 22, 2018
Reading notes: Emily Post’s Etiquette — Common Courtesies by Yang
April 12, 2018
May 10, 2018
May 17, 2018
May 24, 2018
March 17, 2018
Grace: 3月17日我们全家参加了学东西俱乐部组织的参观皇家博物馆的活
Yang: Aaron最喜欢Wild Life Photography展览里一幅背景纯白的雪地照骗,
August 26, 2018
Yang: 今天下午的ROM Walk聽一段King Street的前世今生,報業歷史人物故事老建築的風格及保護等,很有意思,就是信息量太大了[调皮]@Amy @Lucy Liu 你們若有印象深刻的記憶,不妨寫出來分享。我印象最深的是William Mackenzie的故事。在其創辦的Colonial Advocate上提倡平權、政教分離,砲轟官官相護、互相聯姻的權貴集團,還領導武裝暴動,,過後避風美國,幾年後重返多倫多,繼續各項事業。。。很傳奇。他的孫子成了聯邦總理,頭像印在50元鈔票上,有了更大的影響力,可以從內部改革社會體制。我翻過一本叫Alias Grace的歷史小說,講1840年代多倫多地區的一樁僕人殺死主僕二人的故事。裡面就有對King Street的描寫,其中的男犯被絞死在今天參觀過的法院廣場上。你能看到那時下層人民的窮困艱苦,社會等級森嚴。我看的時候就xiang,今天這個比較平等的社會,是怎麼演變來的呢?是下層階級的抗爭,還是上層社會的良心發現,還是老天爺的旨意或者別的什麼原因?這個有著很大熱情和能量的Mackenzie的所作所為給了一部分答案。
Lucy: 大家好…今天下午短短两个小时真是不虚此行。以前经常在king street上行走,但对各种建筑的历史从未了解,也是第一次参加ROM的活动,没料到一路介绍的信息量这么大,很遗憾我没有拍照片。king street 上的一些建筑是历史上几家报业公司的所在地,每一家报业后面代表的利益集团也不一样,有侧重自由党的,也有侧重保守党的,还有为黑人社区或者劳工阶级服务的。一些建筑是由一些著名的设计师设计的,富含不同时期和文化背景的特色,比如芝加哥风格,罗马风格,希腊风格,通过讲解了解了很多建筑设计方面的知识,非常有趣。king street上甚至以前还有过法庭监狱。非常奢华的爱德华王子酒店内首次设计了妇女专用电梯和入口。由于没有记录和录音,很多信息不能详细和大家分享,我希望下次参加此类活动我能充分做好准备再和大家好好分享…
September 20, 2018 Voice Projection Workshop facilitated by Yuan Gao
Yang: 声带如肌肉,通过经常的发音锻炼,可以让它更强健,变得不易受伤,发音清亮。当然专业人士还要进行呼吸、控制发音和气流部位等方面的练习。我们日常生活中,可以用一个简单的方法来“按摩”、锻炼自己的声带,就是经常瞅空练习发“啊”的音。要领就是Carmen记的这几条:
- 忘掉声音
- 声带完全闭合
- 让声音贴地走
- 要有愉悦感提颧肌
- 软腭抵在后咽壁
For September 27, 2018
Yang: 昨晚Roy和Maggie到读书会参与我们的讨论,我们因此对市政选举的现状、选区的划分、名额变动的利弊以及对我们爱静阁选区和候选人的影响、trustee和City Councillor主要做些什么、为什么有的学校课外活动多而有的比较少等等问题有了更多了解。
Yang delivered a statement at the biginning of the meeting:“Hello everyone! Welcome to the East and West Learning Club! This is our first regular book club meeting after the summer break, and we will do the 1-minute presentation, talk about some questions or problems we have had or experienced with regards to etiquette, and discuss on a hot topic nowadays about Premier Doug Ford and the Toronto municipal election. I am very pleased to see you all here. Many of us are ACI parents or students, and We have two participants of ACI background who are actually running for the election! So I’m really looking forward to a dynamic discussion with diverse perspectives! However, because we happen to have two candidates here, I would like to make it clear before we start, that our club is a cultural, community-based, not-for-profit group that helps immigrant families adapt to the Canadian society through on-going learning and communicating with each other as well as with people from other cultural backgrounds. It is not political or religious at all. We encourage everyone at the meeting to voice their opinion in a genuine, polite and constructive way, but the opinions belong to the individuals themselves, and have nothing to do with the Club, the Principal who has applied for the permit for our club’s use of the facility, the School where we are now, and TDSB that has granted the permit to support this community culture-learning project. Thank you, dear participants, and again, welcome!”
September 28, 2018
Yang: 9月28号是我们第一次尝试午间聚会。结果新老成员们围桌而坐,用英语畅谈、分享彼此的生活和想法,非常有收获。这里试举几例:
October 4 and 5, 2018
Yang: 10月4号晚及5号中午,学东西俱乐部的日常读书会上,成员们用英语分享个字生活、学习讨论礼仪书籍,下面是我印象比较深的几点内容:
— 一位12年级学生对大麻合法化后,吸二手烟的可能表示忧虑,因为大麻气味难闻且比香烟更浓烈。
— 一位11年级学生用自己打工的钱从多伦多当地乐队成员那里买了一把电吉他。
— 大家也讨论了瑞典游客事件和中国私企现状。
— 一位成员在一次朋友聚会中领悟到,对那些迟到的朋友,可采取更宽容的态度,体察他们个字迟到的理由,这样自己不会太焦虑因而更能享受聚会的乐趣;另一位成员则对各方面都挺好的一个朋友聚会总是迟到、好像要以此显示其重要性的做法表示不解。
— 一位成员参加了一个公益性的演讲培训班,觉得很有收获,并答应会尽量分享所学知识,比如用pegging的方法迅速记忆等。
— 周四晚学习的是旅游出行的各种礼仪做法,如旅行中的分工合作,飞机、火车上的注意事项等;周五中午学的是礼仪的原则尊重、为别人考虑以及诚实。
For October 11, 2018
这周我们聚会时,除了分享各自生活,咱们来练练small talks。下面这个链接里的内容看似还不错,大家可先看一下做参考:How to Make Small talk — with Conversation Samples:
For October 18, 2018
Hi Chris and Lynda,
It was so nice chatting with you last Thursday! Thanks a lot for coming as guest speakers, and sharing those interesting experience at our book club! We could envision aScarboroughian boy selling souvenir on steam excursions, taking photographs and developing Kodachrome films, cycling a long way to see the horses in Toronto police stables, beating up bullies, getting hurt while roller skating to protect an old man which ultimately resulting in meeting the other half…and a girl going through school bullies but growing up to be a devoted, beloved President of the Trailblazers Tandem Cycling Club…and how the two of you got to meet each other in the nick of time! As different as your lives are from ours, we can feel the same joys, pains, and efforts we all have experienced to walk through day-to-day life. I believe that’s how people get to learn and understand people other than themselves, and develop connections with each other. I truly appreciate your spending the time,promoting this mutual-understanding process between immigrants and local people like yourselves.
Thank you very much, and we wish you health, happiness and prosperity in the years ahead!
October 25, 2018
Yang: 今晚的“东西对话”来了三位艺术家,带来很多原创作品,听他们讲画、创意、生活点滴、AGO藏品、参观礼仪等,轻松愉快,很有收获。连我这个不懂艺术的人也产生了一种被激发的新鲜感。记录注意事项如下:保持与展品至少1米的距离,不用手摸;尽量少拍照,因为博物馆、画廊是去实地欣赏艺术品的地方,;如果要拍展品,勿用闪光灯;如果带了小孩子,一定要带在身边管好,不能让孩子乱跑乱叫。
November 1, 2018
Yang: 今晚我知道了安省的一个早教项目,所有6岁前的孩子都可免费享受。大家对高中里的Outdoor Education这门课以及班上男生女生的不同表现也非常感兴趣。现在万圣节讨糖后孩子们会挑出可疑分子扔掉。单亲妈妈生活不易,学习精神可嘉。某人对捧到一块沉甸甸的奥运金牌感到十分得意。。。最后大家就“种子是否有生命”展开辩论。正反方的语言都让我感到富有生命的诗意
Helen:周四晚上的这个talking club 太棒了!既可以互相分享信息,增长见识,提高英文,还有助于结识不同领域的朋友,互通有无,它让我拥有了一个除了老乡,校友和教友之外的朋友圈。谢谢。组织的非常好。
November 8, 2018
Yang: 今晚新老成员济济一堂。其中三位分享了与CAS有关的故事,两位发表了对“钱”的想法。有成员因为政府翻译没到场被豁免了交通罚款。有人和安省艺术与设计学院的学生一起位AGO的艺术品的另类欣赏做了点工作。孩子们则描述了他们丰富多彩的生活,包括位冰球队和医院义卖巧克力、粉亚裔Hip-hop歌星、即将作为合唱团和乐团成员去别校演出、翘课,等等。大家还围绕“成长中最想改变的一种教育理念/方式”这个话题各抒己见。有人希望家长更思想开放、更积极正面,有人但愿家长给予更多关注和陪伴。
For November 15, 2018
Dear Yang,
Thank you for the hospitality shown by you and your members on November 15 and for your e-mail message of thanks. Please find below links to portals, contacts, and references with respect to our Climate Change Action discussion.
Kind Regards,
Ontario New Climate Action Plan Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks portal
Deadline for recommendations for the Ontario New Climate Action Plan was November 16, 2018
For those interested, the Ministry should be posting a Draft Ontario New Climate Action Plan at this portal for comment sometime in December 2018
Recommendation points on Climate Action in Ontario: What’s Next? 2018 Greenhouse Gas Progress Summary Report from the ** ECO, Environmental Commissioner of Ontario’s https://docs.assets.eco.on.ca/reports/climate-change/2018/Climate-Action-in-Ontario-Summary.pdf
** Not sure how long the ECO link will be available as the Provincial government just cut this independent, auditing office early this week
Link to Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL)
CCL Contact for Scarborough should there be interest in volunteering with CCL or finding out more information on this organization
CCL is a non partisan volunteer, international organization with the goal to educate Canadians and their elected officials on the benefits of a carbon neutral fee. Such a carbon neutral fee has been proposed by the current Federal Government for Canadian Provinces and Territories that do not have a Climate Action Caron Plan in place. British Columbia has had such a carbon fee in place at $30 dollars a tonne of CO2. As a result BC will be exempt from the Carbon Fee that our Federal government will put in place in 2019. Quebec has a Cap and Trade carbon fee arrangement with California so Quebec will also be exempt. Ontario had a Cap and Trade arrangement with Quebec and California until the current Ontario Provincial government axed it this year. The Ontario government plans to spend about $30 million of tax payer dollars to fight the Federal Carbon Fee and Dividend. The Ontario Government has also set aside millions of tax dollars for potential litigation from companies who invested in the Cap and Trade Program.
How a “Revenue-neutral” Carbon Fee and Dividend works
A rising fee is place on fossil fuel on their CO2 content, upstream (well or mine) and Port of Entry into the country, for the federal level, or entry into the province. All the money collected is returned to legal residents or households, on an equitable basis. Under this plan the low and middle income will be protected as approximately 66% of all households would break even or recieve more in their dividend cheque than they paid in increased costs. A predictably increasing carbon price will send a clear market signal which will unleash entrepreneurs and investors in the new clean-energy economy.
Federal Backstop Policy Impact
The Federal Backstop will raise gasoline prices in 2019 by $0.046/litre, well within the range of local prices in a typical city.
Some politicians are trying to spread a myth that carbon pricing will make fuel cost more than Canadians can afford. Evidence says otherwise as seen in Quebec, British Columbia and Sweden.
Canadians in provinces where no Carbon Fee exists will be subject to the Federal Backstop.
The Federal Government will implement Climate Action Incentive Payments
Climate Action Incentive Payments for Ontario from 2019 through 2022.
In 2019 an individual will receive $154
a spouse will receive $77
a child will receive $38
a family of 4 will receive $307
For more information on the Climate Action Incentive Payments and how these Payments will increase over time please see:
November 22, 2018
Yang: 非常感谢Mason老师百忙中抽空来学东西俱乐部,做了一场关于领导力与交流技巧的公益讲座。下面是我的简要记录。如有错误请指正。在座的若有补充、评论或反馈,欢迎跟帖。
—一位成员感觉自己以及不少同胞在日常交往中“Thank you”、“Please”、“Excuse me”等礼貌用语说得不够多。另外她观察到在工作中,开会时西人较擅长找出别人好的地方加以肯定,自己则倾向于指出别人有待改进的地方。对于这两点中西文化差异,俱乐部网站博客里有两篇原创文章专门加以讨论,感兴趣的欢迎一看:
《中国人说“Thank you”》 http://www.eawlc.org/chinese-saying-thank-you
《甜言蜜语vs良药苦口》 http://www.eawlc.org/sweetened-words-vs-bittersweet-pills
感谢提问者,这些其实是很多职场人士都想问的难题。职场关系中涉及到的人、事不同,处理方式就会随之不同,很难在短时间内给出一个万全之策。不同个性的人也会有不同的应对方式。Mason老师和几位成员给出的建议包括:平时注意与同事搞好关系,有几个朋友,便不容易被当作牺牲品;见面友好地打招呼,给别人恰当的赞美等small talks对打破隔阂、拉近关系很重要;平时要和顶头上司有交流,ta可以从你这儿,而不是别人那里得到你的工作进展、为人处事态度等讯息;越级报告不是绝对不可以,如果你跟大老板很熟的话,那样也许在一次轻松的聊天中就可以顺便提一下;如果不是这种情况,那么一般说来需要非常谨慎,公事公办的话,你最好先给顶头上司打个招呼;其实最好的也许仍是去找顶头上司认真沟通;同事生病、有急事时你帮他代一下班是一回事,正常状态下你去做他自己应该做的工作是另一回事,前者是团队精神,后者是别人拿你当pushover(软柿子)捏。遇到后
—一位成员在工作中体会到,如果自己被误解,一定要及时澄清,说明原委。否则别人只听到错误信息,你却保持沉默,等于自己坐实了谣言或误解。即使后来你再试图解释,往往事倍功半,甚至于事无补了。在原则问题上,如果你很坚定,哪怕为此与人争吵,过后别人多半会因此更佳尊重你。这就是being assertive。
Social Etiquette Dialogue