East&West Dialogue with Tony and Jane Preston: A Western Couple Met and Lived in Asia

East&West Dialogue is our monthly program where guest speakers of different cultural backgrounds come as volunteers and share their life stories, knowledge, thoughts, and have conversations with our audience. We hope this individual-level communication will promote mutual understanding among people of different heritages, and the experiences of guest speakers can help the audience, mostly but not limited to first-generation immigrants, to live in their new country with a bit more ease and grace. For that, we truly thank our guest speakers for their time, expertise, and warm hearts for immigrants!

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EAWLC stories: Kai Black and Canada in music 东西联学社嘉宾故事之 Kai Black与“音乐中的加拿大”

          Kai是我去年五六月间碰到的。那时我在上一门radio broadcasting的兴趣课,老师请了他来演讲。他在讲座最后播放了一个自己制作的广播小品,讲述小时候父母互不说话,父亲经常在家中放一首“让我走吧”的歌。长大后有一次和朋友去k歌,他唱了这一首,朋友们纷纷叫好。他第一次知道自己唱歌还不错,但其实也许只是因为这歌萦绕在他记忆里太深,让他太有感触而已。故事很短很简单,因为真实,在音乐中变得格外动人。Kai有视障,事业上倒并未受到多少影响,现在是加拿大广播公司CBC的音乐制片总监,开创了很多有影响力的节目和音乐节。他身边都是生龙活虎好手好脚的人,平时很少能接触到残障人士。有一天,他想到这个问题,就抓起电话打到CNIB(加拿大最大的盲人机构),了解其他盲人的生活和工作状态,看有什么可以帮忙的。后来他在CBC推动设立了CAPE项目,每年招收几名残障人才带薪实习,帮助他们积累工作经验。我当时并没有跟他交流,但印象深刻。Kai让我想起Tuesdays with Morrie这本书里的Morrie。他们都出身于有缺憾的家庭,缺少爱的环境,但并没有落入恶性循环,反而长成一个特别富于爱心的人。 Continue reading “EAWLC stories: Kai Black and Canada in music 东西联学社嘉宾故事之 Kai Black与“音乐中的加拿大””