East and West Learning Club Minutes
March 1st, 2018
Minutes by Eric
Participants: Yan, Yang, Yong, Aaron, Benson, Eric
Participants started off by doing one minute presentations. Eric talked about the MUN conference he is going to on Saturday. He was assigned to a difficult country, Afghanistan, and he has to do many research. Yang shared she went skiing last week, there were sighted guides teaching blind people skiing, and she learned more skills (i.e. turning skills and speed of skiing). It was a lot of fun. Benson said he went to Eric’s house that day and saw the Google Home mini. He was amazed by the functions Google Home mini as it’s better than he thought it would be. He was impressed by the calling function. Aaron talked about last year there was a potluck party where everyone needed to bring food. Aaron made cupcakes and his classmates said it was very good. A classmate even wants to bring home cupcakes for her sister. Yan shared a sad news where there was an accident in Scarborough a few days ago. There was an 11 year old boy that died from a car accident. Children should be more careful when crossing the street. Finally, Yong said he found out he has a relatively high blood pressure when doing his body check. To stay healthy, he and his kids went to Planet Fitness to exercise.
Participants then heard the summary of Chapter 33: Office Issues presented by Yong and Chapter 34: Workplace Relationships presented by Yang. The two chapters talked about things to be aware of in the workplace.
Finally, Eric and Benson presented a presentation about food waste. They included facts about food waste and ways to prevent food waste.
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