EAWLC Lecture on Fashion

Brenda Tang immigrated to Toronto in the year 2009 from China.  She graduated from Seneca College with a financial planning diploma, and is working at CIBC at present.  Growing up in a family who runs a garment business, Brenda has shown a passion and taste for fashion since young age.  Once a fashion consultant in Toronto, Brenda loves to help people select the best choice of clothing for different occasions, making recommendations           on outfits, individual pieces, styles, colour palettes and fabrics.  She writes articles and did interviews for a local Chinese radio station to promote knowledge of trends and fashion principles in the Chinese community.

The East and West Learning Club is delighted to have Brenda with us to give a lecture on fashion: how to dress ourselves properly and tastefully in different settings, say, in office, shopping malls, at parties, banquets, or cultural events, and so on?  What are the English names of those common pieces, and how are they generally used?  Any good books, magzines, websites, articles or TV programs to recommend for us to learn about fashion?…  And bring your own questions on fashions to ask Brenda for an expert’s advice!

You are encouraged to come in formal or semi-formal dress, or in a combination that you would like Brenda to give some advice on.

When: Tuesday November 26, 2019 6:30-8:20 PM

6:30-7 PM: Meals & social

7-8:20 PM: Lecture

Where: Iroquois Junior Public School

265 Chartland blvd., Scarborough (near Finch & Brimley; free parking lot at the west side of the school building)

Language used: Mandarin

Cost: Free. Light snacks will be provided.  Please bring your own water bottle to stay healthy and environment-friendly.

Please RSVP ASAP by Monday November 25 at: ericliujt@gmail.com.  Thanks!

We look forward to seeing you there!







地点: Iroquois Junior Public School

265 Chartland Blvd., Scarborough (在Finch & Brimley附近;学校西侧停车场免费泊车)






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