Zicheng Qian, 24, is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at University of
Toronto, Department of Mathematics. He finished his Doctorate degree in
Mathematics at Université Paris-sud, France in 2019, specializing in Number.
Before that he graduated from School of the Gifted Young, University of
Science and Technology of China. When he conducts his research,
you’ll see him sitting in front of a computer or strolling around in the room,
thinking. The most beautiful thing about mathematics is that only truth
works in its world, according to Zicheng. No matter who you are or how
prestigious you are in this field, every mathematician is equal in front of
the provable truth; no vanity or fame can save you if you make a mistake.
So you get to be honest.
We are delighted that Zicheng will come to our Zoom Learning for Curious
People as a volunteer lecturer, and share his path, the experience,
challenges, and some advice. We look forward to hearing his answers to the
following questions:
Why mathematics is so interesting? What has triggered your decision to go
on the path?
What are some achievements and challenges you have had When studying
What are some of the key factors to the development of a mathematician?
How to improve math skills? Any good methods to recommend for learning
What are some of the problems or difficulties have you seen in the
university or younger students who are struggling with math? Do you have
any suggestions for them?
What is your plan for the future? How does a mathematicians future usually
look like?
Having lived in Canada, China, and France, do you see any cultural
differences And commonalities in the three countries?
You are also welcome to come up with your own questions, and Zicheng is
more than happy to give an honest answer!
Time: Friday June 5, 2020 8:00-9:30 P.M. Eastern Time
Language: Mandarin
Free online Zoom meeting. Maximum capacity 100 participants. Meetings
will be open 15 minutes prior to the lecture time. Please click below link
to enter:
Meeting ID: 871 3466 4583
For inquiries, please contact: ericliujt@gmail.com. Thanks!
Grown-ups or teenagers, professionals or home-makers, every curious
explorer is welcome!
时间: 2020年6月5号周五晚上8:00到9:30。(加东时间)
Meeting ID: 871 3466 4583
如有问题需查询,请致电: ericliujt@gmail.com. <mailto:ericliujt@gmail.com.谢谢