EAWLC Zoom Dialogue on Future Jobs and Education: the Trends and How to Get Prepared

Our final public event in 2020 will be a dialogue about future!


The dialogue between a professional human resource development strategist and an engineer  father of three, that will bring along their vision for tomorrow’s job market, how jobs would be created, who would be the most valued workers, the trends in education, and how we can prepare ourselves and/or our kids today for success tomorrow!

The Guest Speakers


Annie Wang is an HR expert, who has been engaged in Human Resources management and Total Rewards governance for almost 20 years.  She has provided HR professional services for Ford, LobLaw, and currently a global Investment company as a Senior Consultant taking care of its Americas continent.  Annie serves on McLagan Advisory Board and is a dedicated instructor of Ontario ACCEs employment centres.  Her international background and focus on community care has led her to a number of volunteer positions, including mentoring Junior Achievement programs to help high school students get prepared for employment and develop entrepreneurship, and sharing her expertise with the Asian community to help build a brighter future for the next generation.


Frank Wang is a second-time guest speaker.  A Ph.D from University of Toronto, a professional  mechanical engineer in Ontario, and most proudly a father of three talented young kids, Frank keeps a close eye on education and its trends in this rapidly changing world.  He runs a book club for parents, advocating for life-time study and generalist education, which was the theme of the dialogue Frank and Zhihu honorary contributor, Yingfeng Zhang had at our club back in July.  Frank met Annie at a seminar where Annie gave a speech on how to foster social characters for young people.  The thoughts and further questions inspired by the speech finally leads the way to this dialogue at our club- thanks to Frank!


Don’t miss the opportunity to get some insight and foresight of two experts.  Bring your own questions to discuss with Annie and Frank, and make the evening even more fruitful for you!



Friday December 11, 2020 8:00-9:30 P.M. Eastern Time

Free Zoom meeting, maximum capacity 100 participants.

Language: Mandarin

Meeting ID: 871 3466 4583






  • 前沿工作市场的趋势如何?会有哪些变革?工作职位将如何产生?什么样的人是未来职场上最有价值的工作者?今天的在校学生应该为这些趋势做哪些准备?
  • 将来的协作模式会和现在有什么不同?我们的教育实践该对此作何反应?
  • 未来的社会财富或收入分配机制可能会有怎样的演变?谁会是未来分配机制的受益者?教育应该为此做何准备?
  • 我们应该怎样培养自己和孩子的学习力,以便应对未来教育和职场的巨大变化?




Annie  Wang 在北美,中国和拉丁美洲有将近20年的人力资源实践经验,专注人力资本的发展和激励,提供人才政策及发展战略咨询。服务过的全球性企业包括福特汽车,食品零售巨头Loblaw,目前就职于一家美国投资公司,任人才激励高级咨询师。

Annie还是McLagan咨询公司加拿大顾问委员会委员,并为安省职业中心(ACCES)提供导师辅导。她热心青少年公益,在Junior Achievement担任导师,帮助高中生培养企业家精神,并为进入未来职场储备知识技能;她也在华人社区做公益讲座,希翼为我们下一代的未来发展助一臂之力。

Frank Wang 是我们的老朋友。他是多伦多大学的工程学博士,现为核能领域工程师。作为三个天资各异的孩子的父亲,Frank非常关注教育及其发展趋势。他自己有大量阅读的习惯,也在带领一个家长读书俱乐部,倡导通才教育、终身学习。今年七月,他和知乎荣誉博主张英锋老师曾来学东西俱乐部,就通才教育进行过一场对话。



时间: 2020年12月11号周五晚上8:00到9:30 (加东时间)
Meeting ID: 871 3466 4583

如有问题需查询,请致电: info@eawlc.org。谢谢!

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