In a two part series, Ontario award-winning legal expert Harry Fine will illustrate the rights and obligations of tenants and landlords with real stories. He will share also his observation and suggestions on how cultural difference plays a role in understanding, or misunderstanding, of the rights, obligations, and how to deal with conflicts. Everyone is welcome to bring their own questions, and have a dialogue with Harry at the East and West Learning Connections!
Rights for Tenants: Friday May 21, 2021 at 7:30-9 P.M. (Eastern Time)
Rights for Landlords: Friday June 4, 2021 at 7:30-9 P.M. (Eastern Time)
Language: English
Cost: Free
Zoom registration link:
Lecturer Introduction
Harry Fine is a paralegal of 15 years after sitting as an adjudicator at the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB).
While at the LTB, he adjudicated disputes between landlords and tenants under Ontario’s Residential Tenancies Act, judging who was at fault and what the appropriate remedy should be. He was also a member of the Society of Ontario Adjudicators and Regulators, and the Canadian Counsel of Administrative Tribunals. He was appointed by the Federal Minister of Justice to a pro bono position on the Federal Judicial Advisory Committee that made recommendations with respect to the appointment of Superior Court judges.
While running his paralegal practice, Harry taught part-time at several community colleges, guiding paralegal students. He also developed in-person and online video training sessions for a group of Chinese landlords to learn the differences between the system in Mainland China and the system here in Ontario. In 2018 Harry was honoured with the Law Society’s prestigious William J. Simpson Distinguished Paralegal Award for his professional achievement and contribution.
Harry often appears on the CBC, CTV, the Globe and Mail, Toronto Star and other media outlets, speaking about the issues related to residential tenancy law in Ontario. Here’s a couple of newscasts with Harry giving opinions:
Prior to becoming an adjudicator at the Landlord and Tenant Board, Harry ran his family business, Bowlerama, Canada’s largest chain of bowling centres, which was sold in the year 2000. Now Harry and his wife live in Downtown Toronto, enjoying family visits, boating, volunteering, and his semi-retiring life
For inquiries, please email to
Professionals or home-makers, parents or students, everyone is welcome to join us, and learn something new, important or interesting with us!
thanks for organizing this session. I’m hard of hearing and wonder if the closed captions would be turned on. Sorry for the short notice.