EAWLC Foodies Group: Tasting Cultures in Cuisines

If you know a good restaurant from your culture, or any restaurant you really like, in Toronto or near vicinities, please kindly share with us!

East and West Learning Connections initiated the Foodies Group in 2024 for its registered members, volunteers, and guest speakers. Group members, coming from different cultural backgrounds, are encouraged to take turns to lead an outing to a restaurant of their choice, and if possible, to think of ways to enhance the experience for the group culturally.  For example, they may share knowledge or stories related to the food/culture, or try to arrange for a cooking demo, etc.

Record of Our Outings

Sunday September 29, 2024 at 5:30 P.M.
Led by member Martin Copeland. He pre-selected a variety of food so everyone got to enjoy a sampling of several traditional Jewish dishes, which were put together in a special menu beautifully prepared by the restaurant as a souvenir for us! We also got to hear interesting family stories right before the Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year starting on October 3, 2024).

Venue: United Bakers Dairy Restaurant

506 Lawrence Ave W, North York, ON M6A 1A1


Sunday June 2, 2024

Led by member Ed Shiller who speaks fluent Danish and worked many years in Danmark as a journalist.

The Danish Place restaurant in Puslinch was having a special buffet of open-faced sandwiches (a Danish specialty) to celebrate Denmark’s Constitution Day (June 5, 2024). And we watched The outdoor Viking shows as part of the celebration!

Venue: Danish Place

Suset Villa, 7150 Concession1, Puslinch, Ontario

Sunday May 12, 2024

Led by our member Evelyn Chau, the author of Have Some Dim Sum. She introduced some history and fun facts about dim sum. A participant won a signed copy of the book by beating all others in the Paper Scissors Rock game!

Venue: Moon Palace

40 Dundas St. W., Toronto, ON M5G 2C2


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Please consider to support us by volunteering, donating or participating in our endeavor to help people of different heritages break cultural barriers and get connected.  Together, let’s make learning and connections happen!