EAWLC Frank’s Dialogue with Berlin Fang: Effective Learning in the Age of Surplus/Frank对话方柏林:过剩时代的有效学习

This dialogue will be conducted in Mandarin.  For English introduction please jump to next heading in English.


不用提社交媒体和电子游戏的干扰,单单是丰富的学习资源,各种纷纷涌现的机会,已经让这个年代的人应接不暇,于是我们把这个时代称为过剩时代。如何有效地学习是当下困扰人们的重要问题之一。在美国大学担任教育设计专家的方柏林博士,也是《过剩时代的学习》和《知识不是力量》等专著的作者。机械工程学博士Frank Wang 倡导终身学习,业余时间从事教育专栏写作,对新时代的学习方法和专注力培养等问题非常关注。二位嘉宾将作客东西联学社,就“过剩时代的学习”以及学者专家们倡导的一些新学习方式展开对话与讨论。



方柏林,教育博士,教育专栏作家,写作兴趣多为课程设计、教育技术的应用和接受、创新的扩散、变革管理、高等教育环境下的技术运用文化、国际教育比较等。在中美两国有超过20年教育设计和技术运用的经历。他还先后担任过国内外多家报刊的撰稿人,曾在Educause Review, WISE Ed Review, 《中国日报》、《南方周末》、《南方都市报》、《中国教育报》、《世界日报》、《侨报》、《金融时报》中文网、《纽约时报》中文网、荷兰在线、财新网等担任撰稿人或专栏作者。著有《网课十讲》、《知识不是力量》、《及格主义》、《过剩时代的学习》、《英语,恶作剧抑或真理》、《第三只眼睛看教育》(合著)、《你该懂得些世故再老呀》、《星条旗下的茶叶蛋》、《帕慕克们怎样读书》等。

方柏林也是一位文学翻译,作品包括 《喧哗与骚动》(威廉·福克纳著)、《大河湾》(又名《河湾》,V.S.奈保尔著)、《布鲁克林有棵树》(贝蒂·史密斯著)、《转吧,这伟大的世界》(科伦·麦凯恩著)等。



Frank Wang,多伦多大学工程学博士,现为安省专业工程师,先后在机器人自动化、航天工程、核能工程领域担任技术职务。作为三个孩子的父亲,他非常关注教育及其发展趋势。Frank大量阅读的习惯,也在带领一个家长读书俱乐部,倡导通才教育、终身学习。Frank曾在2020年分别与知乎荣誉答主张英峰、人力资源经理Annie Wang两位老师对话,畅谈通才教育未来职业发展方向及教育应对措施等,反响热烈。今秋开学之际,让我们拭目以待这场Frank与方柏林老师关于有效学习的对话!

时间:202193日(周五)晚8:00-9:30 (加东时间)




如有问题需查询,请致电: info@eawlc.org。谢谢!

EAWLC Frank’s Dialogue with Berlin Fang: Effective Learning in the Age of Surplus

The abundance of learning resources and various opportunities in this age are overwhelming, not to mention the distractions of social media and video games. It is an “Age of Surplus”. How to learn effectively is a problem that affects us all in this time. Dr. Berlin Fang is the author of two influential books “Learning in the Age of Surplus” and “Knowledge Is Not Power”, among many others. Dr. Frank Wang, a mechanical engineer, also an avid reader, and an educational columnist, is keen on developing learning and concentration abilities in the new age. The East and West Learning Connections is honored to invite both to have a discussion on effective learning in the age of surplus, as well as new learning methods advocated by researchers and experts.

We welcome everyone to send us questions in advance.


Guest Speaker Introduction

Dr. Berlin Fang is an educational columnist, literary translator, and expert at instructional design.  His major interests are faculty acceptance of educational technology, the diffusion of innovation, managed change, the ethnography of technology use in higher education, and cross-cultural comparisons of education.   He has over 20 years of experience in instructional design and educational technology in both China and the United States. Berlin is currently the Director of Instructional Design at Abilene Christian University. 

Berlin Fang contributes his writing to such publications as Educause Review, WISE Ed Review China Daily, Southern Weekend, South Metropolitan Daily, Chinese Education News, World Journal,  Overseas Chinese News, Financial Times (Chinese), New York Times (Chinese), Radio Netherlands, and Caixin News.  His books include 10 Lessons in Online Teaching,  Learning in an Age of Abundance, Beyond Knowledge, More than the Passing Grade, English: Trick or Truth, A Translator’s Rant, Don’t Get Old until You’re Wiser, Tea Eggs Under the Star and Spangled Banner, and How the Pamuks Read. 

As a literary translator, Berlin’s works include translations of The Sound and the Fury (by William Faulkner), Bend of the River (by V.S. Naipaul), A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (by Betty Smith),  and Let the Great World Spin (by Colum McCann) and Songdogs (by Colum McCann). National Book Award winner Colum McCann considers him “one of the finest translators I have ever worked with: he is incisive, discerning, and imaginative. He is a trans-national figure, deeply involved in cultures of China, the United States, and Ireland. While working with him, I found that he crosses cultural boundaries with ease and grace. ”

Frank Wang is a professional engineer in Ontario who has worked in areas of robotics & automation, aerospace engineering, and nuclear engineering.  A Ph.D. from University of Toronto in Mechanical Engineering, and most proudly a father of three, Frank cares very much about learning, education, and their trends in this rapidly changing world.  He runs a book club for parents, advocating for lifetime study and generalist education. In his spare time, he enjoys writing columns for online magazines on education, among other hobbies.  In 2020, Frank facilitated two dialogues at the East and West Learning Connections, one with Zhihu honorary contributor Yingfeng Zhang on generalist education, the other with human resource development strategist Annie Wang on future career and education trends.  This time let’s hear what Frank and Berlin will bring to us about effective learning!


Time: Friday, September 3, 2021, at 8:00-9:30 P.M. (Eastern Time)

Language: Mandarin

Cost: Free

Zoom registration link:


Everybody is welcome to join the dialogue.  Don’t miss the opportunity to get some insight and foresight of two experts.  Bring your own questions to discuss with Berlin and Frank, and make the evening even more fruitful for you!


For inquiries, please contact us at info@eawlc.org.  Thanks!


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