East&West Dialogue with Faith Fang and Christina Wang: Across Arts and Sciences

On Oct 14, East and West Learning Connections will host a dialogue with Faith and Christina, two college students whose experiences cross arts and sciences as their interests blend or co-exist. What is their actual experience pursuing their passions in diverse fields? What could it mean for younger students who are now looking for their own direction? Join us to hear and share.

 English dialogue with simultaneous interpreting in Chinese on Zoom.

Open for free to the public.  Everyone is welcome!

Guest Speakers

 Faith Fang

Faith double majors in mechanical engineering and violin, exploring the worlds of both technology and technique. Through diverse experiences of conducting dark matter research, propelling industrial sustainability, and collaborating with world-class musicians, Faith combines the adaptability of the arts with a foundation in engineering to foster meaningful innovation.

Christina Wang

From winning international technology hackathons to being a UI/UX designer at StartPlaying Games (a Y-combinator company) and debating for five years, Christina has learned the value of interdisciplinary thinking in problem-solving. Her topic will discuss how art can make complex scientific knowledge accessible to audiences who are alienated by age, the difficulty of the topic, illiteracy, and culture. Art acts as a bridge to inclusive, equitable technology.

Time: Friday, October 14, 2022, at 7-8 P.M. EST (6-7 P.M. CDT)

Zoom registration link:



Space is limited.  First registered, first served.

Zoom will be open 20 minutes before the start time. The official program will start at exactly 7:00 PM.  Please kindly come early if you need to learn how to enter a separate room for simultaneous interpretation in Chinese.


For inquiries, please contact info@eawlc.org.  Thanks!






艺术和理工,最终会分道扬镳,还是可并驾齐驱?广博与专精,如何取舍,取舍的时机又如何?π型学习者究竟体验怎样?这些都是很多家长和同学共同关心的话题。1014日晚,分别来自德克萨斯的Faith Fang和多伦多的Christina Wang 这两位在校大学生将分享自己跨界学习的切身体会。两位有杰出表现的同学仍在孜孜探索,她们希望这些探索与经验能够帮到后来人,并在切磋中与大家相互激励。



Faith Fang 今年大四,学习机械工程与小提琴演奏双专业。大学期间,她曾参与实验室的暗物质研究,实习中,参与可持续发展的相关项目,也在世界一流音乐家指导下,学琴不辍。她希望探讨在艺术和工程方面,共同的发展如何创造意义,如何发现创新的机会。


Christina Wang 曾在国际技术骇客马拉松大赛中获奖,后在 StartPlaying Games(一家 Y-combinator 公司)任用户界面设计师。她也有多达五年的辩论经验。Christina 体会到跨学科思维在解决问题中的价值。


对话时间: 20221014日,周五美洲东部时间晚上7:008:00 (中部时间晚上6:007:00









无论您是成人还是孩子,都欢迎来和我们一起学习、交流。如有任何问题,请发邮件至 info@eawlc.org。谢谢

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