EAWLC Entrepreneur Mentoring Program with Martin Copeland

Want to become an Entrepreneur? Already an Entrepreneur and have questions?

The East and West Learning Connections proudly kicks off a quarterly entrepreneur mentoring program hosted by Dr. Frank Wang, inviting business mentor Martin Copeland to sit in, and answer audience’s questions on everything about entrepreneurship. A successful business owner with over 40 ears’ experience in practice in both Canada and the U.S., and a business mentor since retirement, Martin would be happy to share practical advice as well as cultural context, and mindset insight of the business world to help guide early stage entrepreneurs.

You can bookmark this playlist for all videos of Martin’s lectures and Q&As at East and West Learning Connections’ YouTube Channel.

Come with questions, like on setting up goals, market research, pricing, marketing, accountability, networking or anything along the way. This program aims to help you break through your personal and business barriers to success, and help you learn how to be successful!

Cost: Free

Language: English. Transcript in other languages available on Zoom.

Time: 7:30 – 8:30 P.M. (Eastern Time)
September 11, 2024
November 13, 2024
March 12, 2025
May 14, 2025
November 12, 2025

Venue: online Zoom meetings
Click here to register.
Meeting will open 15 minutes prior, and will start sharp.

For inquiries, please contact info@eawlc.org. Thanks.

Entrepreneur Mentor Bio

Martin Copeland was the Managing Director of Content Management Corporation since 1975 with offices throughout North America. The company was acquired by Multiview, a Warburg Pincus company and a B2B marketing agency, in 2011. Martin remained for 2 years on a management contract as an SVP of Multiview with 688 employees who generates more than 100 million dollars in sales a year.

Martin was honoured with many awards in his nearly 50 years of business, currently mentors early stage companies, and still finds time to volunteer with several organizations.

He resides in Innisfil, Ontario, and frequents Toronto. Martin is a proud father of 3 successful grown-up children and grandfather of 2 adorable grandsons.

Host Bio

Frank Wang is a professional engineer in Ontario who has worked in areas of robotics & automation, aerospace engineering, and nuclear engineering. A Ph.D. from University of Toronto in Mechanical Engineering, and most proudly a father of three, Frank cares very much about learning, education, and their trends in this rapidly changing world. He runs a book club for parents, advocating for lifetime study and generalist education. In his spare time, he enjoys writing columns for online magazines on education, among other hobbies. He is also very interested in entrepreneurship education.

Everyone is welcome. Don’t miss the opportunity. Walk home with inspiration, insight, and practical tips!

• We greatly appreciate Mr. Martin Copeland’s vision and passion to give back to the community, and help young generation develop entrepreneurship. Meanwhile, please note Martin would not take any responsibility of any decision you make for your own business. His opinions and advice are for your reference only, and do not necessarily reflect those of the East and West Learning Connections.

• Please consider to support us by volunteering, donating or participating in our endeavor to help people of different heritages break cultural barriers and get connected. Together, let’s make learning and connections happen!