EAWLC Sci-Fi Pot Luck Evening / 秋日科幻阅读聚餐会:科技与人性的交织
Party Room, 30 Greenfield Ave, North York Party Room, 30 Greenfield Ave, North York, toronto东西联学社热情邀请您参加秋日科幻阅读聚餐会!在金黄的落叶与寒风渐起之际,与志同道合的朋友们一同探索几本引人入胜的科幻小说。这个秋天,让我们一同踏上科技与人性交织的思考之旅,追寻秋夜星空下的无限可能! 自助聚餐+线上线下读书分享 EAWLC Sci-Fi Pot Luck Evening: The Intersection of Technology and Humanity EAST AND WEST LEARNING CONNECTIONS warmly invites you to the Sci-Fi Book Sharing and Gathering! In between the Chinese traditional Moon Festival and Canadian Thanksgiving, let’s enjoy each other’s home-made food, company, explore captivating science fiction novels, and embark on a … Continue reading "EAWLC Sci-Fi Pot Luck Evening / 秋日科幻阅读聚餐会:科技与人性的交织"